Week 16: 5/16 + 5/18

This is our last week of class before the final. Thursday 5/18 Thursday is an optional class. I will leave that open for you to work on your group projects, ask questions and generally do whatever it is you need to do to help you complete the work for the class. I have added a… Continue reading Week 16: 5/16 + 5/18

Week 14: 5/2 + 5/4

Thursday 5/4 Activity 1: JavaScript We didn’t have time to look at more JavaScript last class so we will today. CodePens Posts on our Site Activity 2: Final Projects We will look at your final proposals. Then we will look at this Eleventy Sass Template you can use: https://github.com/stein-bmcc/eleventy-sass Tuesday 5/2 Activity 1: Final Project… Continue reading Week 14: 5/2 + 5/4

Class 23 [4/27] JavaScript Introduction

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Class 22 [4/25] AI Assistance and Final Projects

We started out looking at some ways in which you can use generative AI like ChatGPT, Bard and image generators to help with content and code for your final projects. Then we went over the timeline and final project brief assignment including saving and submitting the brief to the Final Project Tracking Miro. After Class… Continue reading Class 22 [4/25] AI Assistance and Final Projects

Class 19 [4/4] 11ty Site Requirements, Netlify Forms, CodePen to 11ty

We started the class going over the next few classes. We have 3 classes off during spring break and your projects are due our first class after break on 4/18. Also remember to do your faculty evaluations for this class and all of your classes. Then we went over the Eleventy Site Project Requirements. The… Continue reading Class 19 [4/4] 11ty Site Requirements, Netlify Forms, CodePen to 11ty

Week 11: 4/4

This week we only have class on Tuesday, Thursday is during spring break. There is no class on the following days due to Spring Break: After today, our next class is on Tuesday, April 18. This is also when the Eleventy Project Site is due. Activity 1: Eleventy Site Requirements and Submission To start we… Continue reading Week 11: 4/4

Class 16 [3/23] Git Branching and 11ty Site Transition

In the beginning we talked about React and what that is and looked at LinkedIn Learning. Today we started with an update to your personal Kanbans to track your progress on the 11ty site. Then we looked at Git Branching. The two Extensions we added were Git Lens and Git History. We ended the day… Continue reading Class 16 [3/23] Git Branching and 11ty Site Transition

Class 15 [3/21] Eleventy Personal Site Transition

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