Page Section Assignment

This assignment is to write HTML and CSS for the basic page structure elements of Ru’s Projects page.


Go to this assignment in Blackboard and add a link to your GitHub Repository in the Written Comments for this assignment


Tuesdsay, February 7


This assignment is based off of work we did in class on Thursday 2/2. In that class we learned about the page section elements:

  • header
  • main
  • footer
  • nav
  • article
  • section
  • aside
  • div
  • address

We looked at the Projects page of Ruhsona’s web site: and mapped out the main sections of the page.

web site with header/main/footer sections outlined and content areas outlined

Then your tasks were to

  1. Create a repository in GitHub
  2. Open that repository in Codespaces
  3. Write the HTML for each of those sections using the page structure elements
    1. Start with the header, main and footer elements
    2. Make sure to add classes to each of the elements you add
    3. You only need to add elements for those parts of the page outlined in Red and Blue boxes above (not the Green outlined elements).
  4. Add a CSS file that is linked to your HTML page
  5. Style the element containing the three projects using CSS Grid so that they are in three columns.

For now, you can just add a simple text description inside of each element. For example:

<nav class=”site-nav”>Navigation</nav>

For help view the class recordings for Class 3 on our class site.

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