Week 16: 5/16 + 5/18

This is our last week of class before the final.

Thursday 5/18

Thursday is an optional class. I will leave that open for you to work on your group projects, ask questions and generally do whatever it is you need to do to help you complete the work for the class.

I have added a number of new posts to help with creating your sites:


These are very useful and I’d like to see you all make use of them at least to be able to show related pages. For example if you have a page on a game, you can show other games of the same category or similar for music for showing bands or albums in a genre.

The post Showing Groups of Pages in 11ty explains how to do that.

Tuesday 5/16

Activity 1: Student Evaluation

We will take some time at the beginning of class for you to complete the student evaluation. Our class is a bit different from your other classes this semester. BMCC is looking at changing the questions on the student evals and we’ve been selected to try the new format.

  • The results are still anonymous (I won’t know what you put down)
  • It will take about 10 minutes
  • You have to do it today 5/16.
  • I will give a special link in zoom in the class and on Discord.

Activity 2: Project Updates

We will then take some time for each of your groups to show your projects and talk about where you are and what you need to do. Based on that we will answer questions, look at fixes, talk about branching and merging, collections in Eleventy, whatever you need.

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