Week 2: 2/7 + 2/9

This week we will

Monday 2/7

Activity 1: HTML

We will review last week and talk about the Kahoots you’ve done.

There are these resources as well


Here are the challenges we did last week.

HTML Basics
HTML Content Sectioning Elements

Content Sectioning

It is helpful to learn the elements of the page that will contain other elements. Most of these are a type called Content Sectioning elements (with an exception of div noted below).

The most commonly used content sectioning elements are:
(each element links out to related MDN reference page)

  1. main
  2. nav
  3. header
  4. footer
  5. article
  6. aside
  7. section
  8. div (not technically a content sectioning element, it is the generic block element that can contain other elements.

Headings <h1>–<h6>

Not to be confused with the header element, headings are technically content sectioning elements but they do not contain other elements like those above.

MDN Heading page


Basic Page Structure

Many web pages share a similar structure

  • Header <header> with site title <h1> and main navigation <nav>
    • same on each page
  • Main content of the page <main>
    • different on each page
  • Footer <footer>
    • same on each page

For this reason it’s good to learn the elements to use for these common sections. We are going to look at this CodePen, and then you will fork it and try adding in content sectioning elements for one of the portfolio sites you researched.


[1] Review CodePen

[2] Pick one of the sites you researched, look at the main areas of the page and

  1. Fork my Basic Page Content Sectioning page
    1. https://codepen.io/profstein/pen/vYWgeEW
  2. Change the title and nav to match your sites
  3. Add in content section elements inside of the <main> for the page sections.
  4. Copy and paste some of the footer content into the footer of the page (if it is a large footer you don’t have to copy and paste everything).

Activity 2: CSS

We will start to learn some CSS

CSS Basics Presentation


Mozilla Developers Network: MDN

This site sets the standard as a reference for all things web.

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

This is the main area for all things CSS at MDN

CSS Syntax

CSS Reference

Activity 3: Gestalt

We will look at this post of Gestalt Principles.

Gestalt Activity

Using pens and index cards we will explore Connectedness and Proximity.


Activity 1: CSS

We will look at some more selectors from the CSS Basics Presentation

Then we will do the CSS Basics Kahoot Challenge

Activity 2: Portfolio Brief

We will spend the rest of the class going over the Portfolio Brief.

Scoring Rubric

We will use the Portfolio Brief page to go over this

Written Sections

We will talk about the written sections and have you start writing. The following sections are written:

  • Description
    • Describe what the project is.
  • Target Audience
    • Describe the people who will visit the site (demographic information, interests, profession etc)
  • Goals
    • Describe your goals: why are you making the site.
    • Describe the users’ (target audience) goals. What do they want to see? What information are they looking for?
  • Look and Feel
    • Describe the visual design and how you want the site design to make people feel. If there are interactive elements, describe those as well.
  • Research (you already started this with your research/inspiration post)
    • Provide two to three sites that provide inspiration. For each site:
    • – name of the site
    • – link to the site (can make the name the link or show url separately)
    • – reason the site was chosen
    • – optional screenshot


You will create two types of visualizations

  1. Site Map
  2. Wireframes

We will talk about these and look at Figma as a tool for creating them.

Figma Links

Free Wireframe UI Kit


Botique Travel Website Wireframes




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