Foundational Knowledge
This is the core knowledge (terms, definitions, facts, syntax etc.). This is information that you need to know to make everything else make sense. Learning these will not only prepare you for the development we do in class but also give you a solid foundation for any web design projects you come across.
When you are competent at something, you have the ability to do it successfully. We will work towards these six competencies in class.
Create a Plan for a Web Site
Responsive Site
Create a Responsive Web Site
Site Design
Design a Site that is usable, understandable and engaging.
Static Site Generator
Implement a web site using Eleventy ( on Jamstack)
Dynamic Elements
Add Dynamic Elements to a site.
Development Tools
Setup and use Web Development Tools
Short for user experience, this is a focus on how people experience your site. It includes:
– Planning / Sketching / Documentation
– Visual Design
– Accessibility and more …
We will mix this in throughout the course.

Other Topics
Web Development Process
Giving Presentations
Learning Science