Monday 3/28 Design + UI + Accessibility Today we are going to look at a page with some issues related to design, UI and Accessibility (A11y is another way you might see it). Visit This Pen: Try to edit it to make it better Get in Pairs (I will randomly assign) We will talk… Continue reading Week 9: 3/28 + 3/30
Tag: ui
UI Tips
Here we’re going to collect some tips to help you when creating and modifying your site UI. UI stands for User Interface and are the elements people use on the site. Dividers are not always needed [tweet] Increase whitespace (when appropriate) [tweet] Containers are overrated [tweet]
Dynamic UI with jQuery
This is a step-by-step guide to using jQuery in a project. We will use [0] Setup Create GitHub Repo from Template Go to the Github Template Click the green Use this Template button. Go through the steps to finish creating your version of the repository. Remember the name you gave the repository. Open the Repository… Continue reading Dynamic UI with jQuery