Monday 4/25 Eleventy Portfolio Projects We will start by talking about the 11ty portfolio projects. Final Project Eleventy Sass Starter We will then move on to talk about a new starter template I made that uses Sass. We will talk about Sass and why/how it’s used and also look at collections briefly. Final Project… Continue reading Week 12: 4/25 + 4/27
Tag: 11ty
Week 10: 4/4 + 4/6
This is the last week of class before the Eleventy Site projects are due. Monday 4/4 Eleventy Site Project Rubric We will go over the Eleventy Site rubric at the start of class. Example Portfolio Project Here is the example portfolio project I showed in class (thanks to Minglin): GitHub Repository: Netlify Deploy:… Continue reading Week 10: 4/4 + 4/6
Convert Responsive Site to 11ty
This isa series of videos that walk through the process of moving your site from the HTML/CSS Responsive site to an 11ty site. Part 1 Set Up Creating the Eleventy Repository and setting up GitPod as the editor. Part 2: Create Markdown Files Create a Markdown file for each of the HTML files in your… Continue reading Convert Responsive Site to 11ty
Week 9: 3/28 + 3/30
Monday 3/28 Design + UI + Accessibility Today we are going to look at a page with some issues related to design, UI and Accessibility (A11y is another way you might see it). Visit This Pen: Try to edit it to make it better Get in Pairs (I will randomly assign) We will talk… Continue reading Week 9: 3/28 + 3/30
Eleventy Configuration
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What do Configuration (config) files do? What is their role in the Build Process? Configuration files use Javascript to root directory of a project to configure Eleventy to a person’s own… Continue reading Eleventy Configuration
Eleventy Content Pages
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. Where are Content pages saved in the 11ty folder structure? The content pages are saved in the Markdown. What is Front Matter and What kind of information is stored there? The… Continue reading Eleventy Content Pages
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What are Templates? A template is a reusable format for web content. How are Templates used in Eleventy? It use to avoid writing the same formatting over and over. What Language… Continue reading Templates
Static Site Generators
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What is a Static Site Generator (SSG)? What does it do? A tool that generates a full static HTML website based on raw data and set of templates What are some… Continue reading Static Site Generators
Dynamic UI with jQuery
This is a step-by-step guide to using jQuery in a project. We will use [0] Setup Create GitHub Repo from Template Go to the Github Template Click the green Use this Template button. Go through the steps to finish creating your version of the repository. Remember the name you gave the repository. Open the Repository… Continue reading Dynamic UI with jQuery