Final Weeks Timeline
This post has a timeline with what we’re doing for the final project in the last weeks of class: Final Weeks Post.
Group Miro
Each of your groups will have a Miro board. Links to the boards are in the Discussion of the Course Profile (must be logged in to OpenLab to see) and you can DM me if you need help.
The Miro board helps to visualize a number of things related to the project:
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Tasks and Progress on Tasks
- Progress Reports
- Links to your project documents, GitHub and Netlify sites.
Final FAQ’s and Tutorials
This post will have tutorials and other information related to the final project. It is focused on working with Git/Github, CSS and Eleventy right now.
Final Project Brief
This document is due on May 2. Full details and instructions on the Final Project Brief post.
Progress Reports
These will be due once per week starting May 4. You will complete the report by filling out the Progress Report in the Miro board.
- Progress Report 1: due May 4
- Progress Report 2: due May 11
Work in this field is an iterative process. This means you create something, get feedback, adjust, get more feedback and so on. To help make sure you are all on the right track and progressing, your group will present two versions of your project before the final presentation. Each group will present to the class. The presentations will be short, showing what you’ve done so far and discuss successes and challenges and next steps. This will be a supporting and encouraging environment with comments to help achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.
- Version 1: due May 9
- Version 2: due May 16
Final Project Presentation
Monday, May 23
All groups will present your projects in class (on zoom) on the day of the final. [Sorry for my mistake in leaving in the part about the final being through zoom. I had copied information from a previous class that was online and forgot to remove this part.]