To help learn this and see where your knowledge is at, play this Kahoot:
In order to use content that someone else created you need to have them give you copyright. This can be done directly (like if someone emails you to say you can use the content or, more formally through a contract), or you can use content that has been given.
You can not use content from another web site (images, text, audio, video, any media) unless you have been given Explicit right to do so.
Giving someone the right to use content you made is licensing the content. In order not to get lawyers involved we will look for content that is licensed without the need for a contract.
The Creative Commons licenses were created to allow content creators to give this explicit permission for their content to be reused and shared.
That is why for your group projects I want you to start with looking at Wikipedia for content. Most Wikipedia content is licensed under a CC Attribution / Share Alike license. This means you can use it in your sites as long as you give proper attribution.
Credit / Attribution
Credit or attribution is when you give credit to the content creator on your site. When you use content that someone else made, you should give credit to the creator. This is true whether it’s an image, text or other media.
Some content comes with specific copyright that REQUIRES you to give credit. One example is the Creative Commons Attribution license. This license requires that you attribute the original author in some way.
For your final group projects, I am requiring that ALL content that is not created by your group, give credit to the author, even if the license doesn’t require it.
Examples and Tutorials
Below are some examples on how to give credit/attribution.
CodePen on How to Add Credits to Photos
This CodePen shows some examples on how to add credits to images. view on CodePen
Video from Class on Giving Credit
This is a 16 minute video from a class where I talk about giving credit using the example site Angelica and I built. View Site here.
Creative Commons Licenses
These are a group of licenses that allow you to license your work in specific ways so other people can use them. There are a few options you can choose:
- Adaptations (can people change your work): yes or no
- Share Alike: yes means if people use your work they also have to share the work they make.
- Commercial: Yes or No. Yes, commercial, means people can use your work to make money. No, non-commercial, means they can not use your work in something that make them money.
They have a License Chooser app that allows you to choose a license and then copy some HTML so you can put that on your site.
Creative Commons License Chooser
Example License
A common license for our work in class is one that has
- Attribution: People who use your work must give you attribution
- Share-Alike: People who use your work must also share their work
Here is the code:
<a rel="license" href="">
<img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" />
</a><br />
This work is licensed under a
<a rel="license" href="">
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>
You can put this in the footer of your site.
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