Here are some of the basics for collaborating on GitHub. Use a Single, Shared Repository One of the people in the group will create the repository that everyone will use. After the Repository is created then invite the other members to collaborate on that. DO NOT FORK THE REPOSITORY. We did that with mine and… Continue reading Collaborate on GitHub
Category: Jamstack
Eleventy Configuration
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What do Configuration (config) files do? What is their role in the Build Process? Configuration files use Javascript to root directory of a project to configure Eleventy to a person’s own… Continue reading Eleventy Configuration
Eleventy Content Pages
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. Where are Content pages saved in the 11ty folder structure? The content pages are saved in the Markdown. What is Front Matter and What kind of information is stored there? The… Continue reading Eleventy Content Pages
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What are Templates? A template is a reusable format for web content. How are Templates used in Eleventy? It use to avoid writing the same formatting over and over. What Language… Continue reading Templates
Static Site Generators
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What is a Static Site Generator (SSG)? What does it do? A tool that generates a full static HTML website based on raw data and set of templates What are some… Continue reading Static Site Generators
Deploy to Netlify
This post covers how to get your site in the web using Netlify’s servers. Terminology Some words you might not know Netlify: Netlify is a hosting platform specializing in hosting projects build with workflows like ours (static site generator and GitHub). They have a generous free pricing tier that is great for the kind of… Continue reading Deploy to Netlify