Portfolio Research

Jeremiah Shaw is an artist focused on 3D illustration, interface, and animation design.  The logo of his website is a geometric shape. As a student who studies HTML, I was attracted by his hero banner. The stones elements will float when the user’s mouse scrolls down. It absolutely displays his excellent ability as an interface… Continue reading Portfolio Research

RUIKUN Portfolio Research

https://portfolio.adobe.com/examples/ I like how they use different hue on their illustration, which gives people a feeling of richness and a beautiful vision. For me, the combination of different colors can express different thoughts and feelings. Different color matching can often give people a completely different visual experience. Also can express ideas most intuitively and make… Continue reading RUIKUN Portfolio Research

Aaliyah Portfolio Research

Mads Berg Design https://madsberg.dk The reason I choose this portfolio was that I was inspired by the illustrations. The use of various shapes and smooth flat color reminded me of Art Deco. I also liked the simplicity of the website, which made way for the art to shine fully, and how the hovering of the… Continue reading Aaliyah Portfolio Research

Marks Portfolio Inspiration

https://elliesheridan.myportfolio.com/ This might be ambitious for my current skill level, but I’m considering this anyway. Last semester I struggled with my grid layouts, so hopefully, I can pinpoint where my mistakes were as we go through the course. The only thing I would change is the white background to black for max contrast since my… Continue reading Marks Portfolio Inspiration

Erick’s Portfolio Research

Sebastian Onufszak Portfolio https://portfolio.adobe.com/examples/graphic_design I chose this site because I am a fan of letting your work do the talking for you. Sebastian is a graphic designer and can also work as a team. I like the layout of the page. Simple and plain white color so that his work is able to stand out… Continue reading Erick’s Portfolio Research

Viktoriia Bryzhatova Portfolio Inspiration

https://tristaneaton.com I choose this portfolio site because I personally like Tristan Eaton’s work, and have seen a lot of it as well. I like layout on the website, his works stand out on white background. There’s proper description of works, everything is also categorized. There’s also nice logo with initials of the author.