Viktoriia Bryzhatova Final Project Idea

The Idea About Ukraine as a country in general (culture, famous people) Pictures of Ukrainian cities Illustrations Ways to help Ukraine, refugees (links to different organizations) Audience: 14-60 y.o male, female middle class Wikipedia Pages Or other pages that have explicit license to allow use of their text content. Images (optional) Some example… Continue reading Viktoriia Bryzhatova Final Project Idea

Eleventy Configuration

The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What do Configuration (config) files do? What is their role in the Build Process? Configuration files use Javascript to root directory of a project to configure Eleventy to a person’s own… Continue reading Eleventy Configuration

Viktoriia Bryzhatova Portfolio Inspiration I choose this portfolio site because I personally like Tristan Eaton’s work, and have seen a lot of it as well. I like layout on the website, his works stand out on white background. There’s proper description of works, everything is also categorized. There’s also nice logo with initials of the author.

Viktoriia Bryzhatova

Hello! My name is Viktoriia Bryzhatova. I am originally from Ukraine, and I’ve been living in New York for 7 years. My major is Multimedia Programming and Design. This is my last semester at BMCC. I am very excited about MMP 350 class this semester! I am hoping to learn a lot about HTML, CSS,… Continue reading Viktoriia Bryzhatova

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