The Idea I will create a site that is introduce some special days on the pass for the people who like to explore history. Wikipedia Pages Or other pages that have explicit license to allow use of their text content. Mongol invasion of Europe-1241 Treaty of Fontainebleau -1814 Cricket pavilion destroyed-1913 Images (optional) Some… Continue reading Ruikun Zhao Final Project Idea
Author: Ruikun zhao
The content on this page is created by you in group sessions. The questions are provided by Prof Stein and the answers by students. What are Templates? A template is a reusable format for web content. How are Templates used in Eleventy? It use to avoid writing the same formatting over and over. What Language… Continue reading Templates
RUIKUN Portfolio Research I like how they use different hue on their illustration, which gives people a feeling of richness and a beautiful vision. For me, the combination of different colors can express different thoughts and feelings. Different color matching can often give people a completely different visual experience. Also can express ideas most intuitively and make… Continue reading RUIKUN Portfolio Research