Week 1: 1/31 + 2/2

Welcome to MMP 350! In this week we are going to do some introductions (to the class, me, you, our tools) and get started on learning more about web design.

Monday 1/31

Activity 1: Introductions

I will give you an intro to the course including going over:


Activity 2: Portfolios

We will spend about 2/3 of the class working on your portfolios. To kick things off and get our heads into web design, you will split into groups and look for a good portfolio.

Were to find portfolios

Here are some sites and direct links to portfolios:

Components of a Good Portfolio

Be prepared to talk about how the portfolio you chose has the following:

  1. Makes it clear what kind of work the person does (design, web dev, illustrator etc).
    1. Ideally, you should also know who their audience is (clients, employers, customers etc).
  2. Shows examples of work. Examples should include
    1. What is the example
    2. What were the goals/deliverables
    3. what the person did (credit others if applicable)
    4. Their process in working on it
    5. software/tools/platforms used if applicable
  3. Gives you a sense of the person
    1. something to show their personality and help you remember them like: picture of them, unique visuals, unique style of writing, bits of personal info.

Activity 3: How the Web Works

We will look at a this Miro presentation and talk about web design and how the web works.

How the Web Works Kahoot! Challenge

We will use challenges in Kahoot as one way to build and show foundational knowledge (definitions, facts, HTML/CSS/JS syntax etc). This Kahoot challenges your knowledge of the information in the How the Web Works Presentation.

  1. Load the Kahoot app on your phone
  2. Join the challenge by either
    1. type in the Game Pin: 08443715
    2. Click this link: https://kahoot.it/challenge/08443715?challenge-id=9cb2a986-5d28-4e20-be39-7df9e016bd5e_1643644243568

Wednesday 2/2

Activity 1: Portfolio Research

We will go over the two remaining sites we didn’t cover on Monday and give you some time to do your own research. I have a post with the info: Portfolio Research Post.


  • Make a post about your research. I will go over in class how to post on WordPress. You will need to be logged in to the OpenLab for this.

Activity 2: HTML Basics

I will give a presentation about HTML basics: Everything is a Box PowerPoint presentation

There are these resources as well

Activity 3: HTML Kahoots

Remember to use your phone. If you don’t have it you can use the link, but it won’t save your score.

HTML Basics

HTML Content Sectioning Elements

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