Action Item
Finish Final Project
This week (16)
It’s Finally the Final Day. Today you will present your group projects.
Latest Posts
Week 16: 5/23 Final Day!
Today is the last day of class. We are going to give some time at…
Week 15: 5/16 + 5/18
This week is dedicated to working on finishing up your group Final Projects. Final FAQ’s…
Final FAQ’s
Here are some resources, tutorials and videos that answer questions or difficult areas you identified…
Week 14: 5/9 + 5/11 Monday 5/9 Today we will start by looking at the JavaScript Intro Version 1…
Week 13: 5/2 + 5/4
Monday 5/2 Collaborating on Code We will look more into how to collaborate with Git…
Collaborate on GitHub
Here are some of the basics for collaborating on GitHub. Use a Single, Shared Repository…
Git Merge Conflicts
When you’re doing a Git Merge, sometimes you have made changes to the same line…
Viewing Teammates Git Branches
The shortest way to see other’s branches is to go to GitHub and look at…
Running JavaScript
There are a number of different ways you can run JavaScript code. This post goes…