This week we will do more work on moving your projects from plain HTML/CSS/JS into the Eleventy system.
Thursday, March 21
Activity 1: Review from Tuesday
We will start with reviewing Tuesday and general project questions.
Activity 2: Breakout Rooms
After we spend some time with looking at areas to adjust. I will give you some time in breakout rooms to look at each other’s work so far and come back with feedback and questions for the group.
Activity 3: 11ty Projects
We will go over some 11ty concepts again. We will be repeating these throughout so you can start to become familiar with them. Then we will have time to do more setup of your 11ty projects.
Web Design Workflow Miro Presentation
Tuesday, March 19
Activity 1: Responsive Site Project Review
I have looked over the projects that were submitted and before we move much further with 11ty, I think it will be good to cover some of the areas where you had trouble with the Responsive Site project.
- GitHub pages issues with / in front of path
- Using tools to help with finding problems
- Problems tab in terminal
- HTMLHint
- Intellisense for CSS
- Formatting tools: Prettier and Beautify
- Controlling the width of the page
- Design styling. Many of you did not get far in this part and need some more time and help with it. We will talk about
- Typography
- Color
I will also give some time in this part of the class to work on your projects. Even if you have submitted, you can work on it and resubmit if you improve it.