This week we will finish up our responsive sites.
Thursday, March 8
Activity 1: Project Check-in
We will do a check-in on where you are with your Responsive Portfolio Site projects first thing.
Activity 2: GitHub Pages
We will learn how to make your web site available through Github pages.
- Go to your Repository
- If you don’t remember how to find it then: 1) sign in to GitHub, 2) Go to your Repository list in settings:, Scroll down and look for your project under stein-bmcc. The name will be like : stein-bmcc/responsive-portfolio-project-yourUsername
- Click on Settings
- Click on Pages
- Choose Main branch to deploy and click save button
- Then you have to wait a couple of minutes while it gets your site ready
- Refresh the page after a few minutes. When it is ready it will show the URL for your site.
- The URL will be in the format:
Activity 3: Designing Cards
We will use a codepen to look at card design and layout.
Activity 4: Card Flip
We will look at how you might go about making a card that shows and image and then reveals the title and description when the image is hovered.
Tuesday, March 5
Activity 1: Responsive Site Review
I will first show the progress I expect at this point.
Then I will put you into breakout rooms for you to go over each other’s progress.
Then we will debrief and see where you are.

Activity 2: Navigation
People wanted to go over some of the Navigation ideas.
Activity 3: Typography
We will go a bit more into typography and make sure that you can include Google Fonts.