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Week 3

Thursday 2/8/24

Today we will start with working on the Portfolio Brief assignment. Then we will get to some CSS (we were not able to do it last class).

Activity 1: Portfolio Brief

The Portfolio Brief assignment is due in 5 days on Tuesday 2/13. Here are links to the assignment info and how to submit it:

  1. Portfolio Brief Assignment
  2. Submitting the Portfolio Brief

Project Brief Template

Follow the link below to a Portfolio Brief Template on Dropbox and download it. You can then edit it in MS word or any other system that allows you to edit a Word document.

Portfolio Brief Template

Fill out the following sections of the document. Eventually you will replace everything in square brackets [like this].

  • Replace YourName and document name with your actual name and the name of your project (which can be something like Jane Doe’s Portfolio
  • Description
  • Target Audience
  • Goals
  • Look and Feel

For look and feel I have asked you to include a list of words that describe the kind of design you want.

AI Assisted Research

To help with finding examples for the Research section, we will use the words you wrote to describe your site to write a prompt for AI to help us find examples.

AI Generative Chat Options

Here are some options:

Here is the start of the prompt. Copy this:

I’m making a portfolio web site and looking for examples of portfolios that are:

Then paste in your list of words and add a period.

Then paste in this:

Can you give me a list of sites that meet that description with links to the actual portfolios?

Here is an example prompt:

I’m making a portfolio web site and looking for examples of portfolios that are: minimal, bright, professional, fun. Can you give me a list of sites that meet that description with links to the actual portfolios?

Follow the links to the sites and pick 2-3 that you will use for inspiration in your Research section.

Complete the Research Section

SiteMap and Wireframes

We will use the Site Visualizations Miro to talk about the visualizations and then you will work on yours.

Activity 2: CSS

We are going to learn more about the CSS Grid today. We will look at the following resources:

After we look at some of the links in the CSS Grid Post, we will try the CSS Grid Game. Finally, we will go through as many of the examples in my CSS Grid Examples as we can get through before the end of class.

Those examples will use CodePen. Use GitHub account to log in to Codepen.

Tuesday 2/6/24

Today we will go over Assignment 1. The we will work on your portfolio briefs. After that we will spend the remaining time looking at CSS.

Activity 1: Assignment 1

Assignment 1 is due at the end of the day today. We will take some time to answer questions and go over issues in class.

Activity 2: Portfolio Brief

We will start the class looking at the Portfolio Brief assignment. We will go over it and do some breakout room work where you can discuss your ideas with a classmate.

  1. Portfolio Brief Assignment
  2. Submitting the Portfolio Brief

In class I will show some examples of prior student projects. These will not be available for download, you will need to be in class or watch the recording.

The brief is due on Tuesday, February 13. The Responsive Portfolio Site Project will be due on Tuesday, February 27.

Here is the Headshot Tutorial .