Thursday 4/18
Final Project Questions and Group Discussion
We will go over questions from last time about the final and groups.
Collections Example Using Dollar Street
I have given you permission to work on this repository: profstein/dollar-street-example (
We will look at how to use a branch to make edits to this and submit a pull request.
Finalize Groups
As best we can we will break into our final groups so you have them set before spring break.
Tuesday 4/16
Today the main focus is on the final project. We will also talk about some other things like Branching in Git and Collections in Eleventy as they relate to the final project (and maybe look at the Collections homework if we have time).
Dollar Street
To help you get ready for the final project all of you should visit the Dollar Street web site and get to know what content is there. Here are some resources I gave out on Thursday:
Breakout Rooms
We will get into breakout rooms where each of your groups will be tasked with:
- Coming up with two questions about the final.
- Each person in the group identifying one story they are interested in the Dollar Street info. This could be because you have a connection to one of the countries/regions, or you want to compare your experience with places in the world you are not familar with, or any other topic that you feel could be looked at with the data on the site. Here are the types of topics and areas of comparison on the site.
- Income
- Country and Region
- Things Topics: floors, stoves, toilets, toothbrushes, cars, houses etc.
- Activity Topics: doing laundry, cooking, doing dishes, getting water, go through mail etc.
- Human topics: Favorite items, favorite decorations, Most loved items, Music idols, Things i dream of having etc.
We will talk briefly about the form. You should do it if you have not yet done it.
Hands On
Depending on the time we have and your interest we can talk about:
- Branching workflow in Git and GitHub
- Collections in Eleventy
- Experiment with getting and displaying info from Dollar Street (this could also eventually work in branching and collections).