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Week 10

Thursday, March 28

Media Queries Challenge

Today we will start with a review of CSS Media Queries with a Challenge

Survey Status Update

Then we will do a survey of where you are. This will be a poll in Zoom.

Eleventy Project Work

I will start by going over this Miro Eleventy Page Breakdown diagram to help make sure we all have a better understanding of how an 11ty page is put together.

Then we will also look at this miro on converting your HTML files to 11ty files

During this part of the class you will have time to work on your 11ty project. If you have been able to follow along then you will have your files set up. So work on making sure the base layout template _layouts/pageTemplates/base.njk is set up properly.

NOTE: you will have to make changes to all of your links and the paths to your CSS, JavaScript and image files.

The first part of the Portfolio Site Setup post has been updated to include information on how to do this.

Gestalt Principles

These are principles of how people make sense of what they see. They are useful in design because they help us to understand some of the ways in which people try to make sense of your web page. We can then use this knowledge to help us display information that makes it easier for people to find the information they want on your page.

Tuesday, March 26

We will start with looking at moving our assignment. I’m sorry you have to do this but it will be required to work with Netlify:

Portfolio Site Setup