I’ve made a fictional character database thing. Select a button and it pulls up the information for the fictional character.
Live site:
MMP 310: Multimedia Programming II
BMCC Fall 2022
I’ve made a fictional character database thing. Select a button and it pulls up the information for the fictional character.
Live site:
My Final Project is about the World Cup that was played in Qatar, I tried to represent the path of the World Champion which was Argentina, and I tried to represent that journey in an interactive story with the most crucial moments of the tournament.
Live site: https://web-app-1-final.luisandresss.repl.co/
Code: https://replit.com/@luisandresss/web-app-1-final#index.html
Live Site: https://finalprojectmmp310.jonathanraboy.repl.co/
Code: https://replit.com/@JonathanRaboy/FinalProjectMMP310#script.js
This is an interactive story where you have multiple paths to go on leading to different scenarios. Based on the characters and setting from SiIvaGunner: King For Another Day Tournament.
Live website: https://sonic-adventure.thecommonperson.repl.co/
Code: https://replit.com/@TheCommonPerson/Sonic-Adventure#script.js
My Final Project with Tone.js, like I outlined in my pitch
here is the code: https://replit.com/@galben1/Tone-Generative-Final-Project-Gal-Ben-Baruch#script.js
Live Site: https://interactivestory.jcannon252.repl.co/
Code: https://replit.com/@jcannon252/Interactivestory#sketch.js