Come play a game of basketball with me, here is my code and this is the live website.
MMP 310: Multimedia Programming II
BMCC Fall 2022
Code: https://replit.com/@luisandresss/web-app-1#index.html
Live: https://dragon-ball-adventure.thecommonperson.repl.co/
Code: https://replit.com/@TheCommonPerson/Dragon-Ball-Adventure#script.js
Live site: https://interactivestory.jcannon252.repl.co/
Code: https://replit.com/@jcannon252/Interactivestory#script.js
Here is my interactive story, where you can choose multiple options which good lead you to the bad ending or the good ending shown above
here is my code: https://replit.com/@galben1/web-app-interactive-story#script.js
and link to the story: https://web-app-interactive-story.galben1.repl.co