Category: Developer
Paris La Infierno NPC Dialogue
Rewards, Collecting items and Scene manager – Erika

These are my rewards spread sheets, the first one is called “deviled egg” which is an collectable item in the game, it is animated to look like its eaten. the second one is the heart that gives the character lives.
Collecting items and scene manager:

Scene Manager & Collecting Items- Jingyue Gao
I created script, added script, and updated the script.

There are three items that could be collected in the scene. The system would count how many items the main character has collected when collecting a new one.
Here is the demonstration:
Programming Intro – Jingyue Gao
I added Global script and PlayerController script to the project.

My Items and SceneManager
This shows my character collecting items.
extends Area2D
export var item_type = 'apple'
signal item_collected
var item_is_collected = false
func _on_Item_body_entered(body):
if not item_is_collected:
emit_signal("item_collected", item_type)
item_is_collected = true
func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished():
if item_is_collected:
Programming intro- Erika Graham
Programming Intro
I added the up and down animations.