My obstacles are flowers with spikes.
My enemy is a snake.
MMP 270: Introduction to Video Game Design
BMCC Spring 2022
My obstacles are flowers with spikes.
My enemy is a snake.
I wanted to make my UI match the style of my games, so I used the same process in Piskel. I’m using white as a default so I can adjust the color in Godot.
This shows my character collecting items.
extends Area2D
export var item_type = 'apple'
signal item_collected
var item_is_collected = false
func _on_Item_body_entered(body):
if not item_is_collected:
emit_signal("item_collected", item_type)
item_is_collected = true
func _on_AnimatedSprite_animation_finished():
if item_is_collected:
These are my scenery sprite sheets. My game is set in a garden, with trees and birds and snakes.
I added the up and down animations.
These are my animation sprite sheets.
Here’s the character in my Godot scene:
We must now address the question which motivated our initial
reconnaissance: what are the fundamental elements common to these games? I perceive four common factors: representation, interaction, conflict, and safety.
I find this quote inspiring because I’m interested in the factors of game design.
This image from Understanding Comics shows the relationship between image and concept.
My inspiration includes Pacman, Space Invaders and Limbo.
My designs used different base shapes, starting with square, then circle, then a rectangle with a triangle.
Here is my first Godot scene!
This is my class avatar. I made an apple. It looks kind of creepy by accident.