Finally got a design i can work with for the bachelor wendigo and put it in a mini arena for now in the sewer, with that i went back up to the surface to add a new set of interior props for the next cabin and start expanding the rooftop branch of the level. i had the character audios working on my laptop but when i transferred my file back to my PC for some reason those audios broke and i cant get them working again so i may just have to remake them in audacity and see if that works.
Runthrough of new area
Edit: i just noticed some missing walls in the video so i fixed them lol
Ive extended the scene again to include a new underground branch with a new set of assets, added missing animations, and properly implemented the static poison obstacle for the underground section. With that i also made a new set of audio for the underground ambience, and i have a few unused samples that i haven’t figured out how to implement in the script yet (jump landing, enemy hit/death, and player getting hit) I also added new nature assets to fill in the empty space on the surface and add more depth, and a construction boundary tile for the end of the level so it looks a bit better. Lastly with so many new assets i did another pass of organizing the scenes asset list.
“Trench Crow” Sprite sheet“Gun Bunny” Sprite sheetCarrot Collectible Basic Ground TilesBasic SceneryInitial Game play
After the previous feedback and just some general observations I made during class. I decided to scrap the original material in favor of new sprites with a more cohesive theme/style. I based it on the central idea of: “Cute, simple and to the point.” To that end the hope is that when one looks at the game at first glance, they know what to expect and that it visually makes sense to the player. I also want it to generate some reaction and dispel any confusion or questions in regard to the game’s direction.
This is where the sci-fi and lore kick in lol. Non-human life makes its debut with a taste of the Secret Forests local bHCDM sub-species, which means Hot Compact Dark Energy Matter from a Black Hole type parent called a bCCDM (Black hole type Cold Compact Dark Energy Matter, these are highly sentient, conscious, smarter masses of dark energy that trace their way back to earth typically by breaking off of passing asteroids and meteors). CCDM are currently only born from Black Holes [bCCDM] or Neutron Stars [nCCDM] and produce their respective type of HCDM.
General Wildlife, though rotting and mutated, still loosely populates the woods. Ridden with intense physical and mental anguish, they are highly likely to lash out at almost any form of encounter. Highly advised to avoid contact.
Human Population
Nozomi Ringo (Survivor, New Prospect)
Alden ‘Blue’Copag(Researcher’s Tribe)
Researchers Tribe(Aldens group)
Doomed survivors (various, rare)
Lost Communities(various, very rare)
Wendigo Population
Local bCCDM Host (TBD)
Local HCDM
The whistleblowers are the wendigo(s) that will initially make contact with someone in the Living Dimension, render them unconscious, and drag them into the woods of the Rotting Dimension. Instead of immediately consuming them, however, they drop them in a random hunting ground and leave to signal the Bachelor Groupfor the start of a Rut.
The bachelors are the Wendigo(s) that lurk in the woods waiting for the Whistleblowers call. When they hear it they go on the hunt and stalk their human prey, usually leading the survivors into a chaseand/ora state of lockdown as the waves of feral Wendigo clash with both survivors and each other. Given that the survivors fend off the waves in a battle of fire and attrition, the weakened Bachelors will retreat into the woods and focus on recovery until the next rut.
Management are the wendigo(s) that do not participate in the rut, instead quietly observing from among the forest and passively channeling the excess energy of dead prey back to the CCDMs chosen Sanctuary.
Crawling Mist again with an attack animation (not exactly the canon way I intend on using HCDM husks but for this is K)
‘Stag’ a rogue management wendigo that decides to be a sort of guide for Rin and the Researcher’s Tribe after a curious discovery about her connection to her father and the much more volatile CCDM host of the region. (He was meant to be the template for me to also include the Bachelor type wendigo as an enemy as well but i wasn’t really satisfied with the side-profiles i was making for the rest of the animations so i didn’t get to)
Starting to expand the level to introduce the second NPC character / enemy, raised the skybox and expanded the background so i can enable the jump controls, also expanded the player camera to accommodate the new space, added the first collectible item, and added some obstacles, 1 passive and 2 harmful.