Unreal Engine Game Update

Progress on my unreal engine game started creating rooms for the dungeon. And made some 3D models for my game.

Testing out Unreal Engine

I built a simple house in Unreal Engine to test the software and familiarize myself with the layout, UI, and controls.

Godot Game Update

Here are some updates to my game in the Godot engine: I added sounds for level start, background music, item pickups, as well as jump and landing sounds. I also introduced two items for the player to collect, specifically an orb and energy. Additionally, I implemented a collision enemy along with a hit animation for the player character.

Godot Game Update

I added background and platforms for my game in Godot and a jump animation. Here are some of the sprites I created:

Here is a video of the level so far:

Godot Intro

I started developing my 2D Game in Godot. I added trees and plants, along with basic character controls.

Bitsy Game

Play it here

Here is the finished version of my bitsy game Coin Hunt; I added sound effects, changed around some dialogue options, and edited some sprites.

My Bitsy Game

This is my work-in-progress Bitsy game. It’s a simple concept: You collect coins to pay for a cat to fix your bike. In the future, I want to add some text effects and sounds and create a better ending.

Play It Here

Bitsy Game Progress

Here’s an update on my Bitsy game progress. I currently have 6 rooms created, and I’m also working on implementing inventory systems and dialogue branches based on the items in your inventory. Additionally, I’m working on enabling avatar changes through dialogue.

Bitsy game early development

I am starting to create my game in Bitsy. I am not 100% sure about the setting of the game—maybe sci-fi or apocalyptic—but it involves saving animals and people.