Cubeoid Shootout!! by eggiebread

This is my fps game where you shoot balls at cubes and invade their castle
Introduction to Video Game Design
Cubeoid Shootout!! by eggiebread
This is my fps game where you shoot balls at cubes and invade their castle
Here’s my starting room for my Fps game, I have an idea about making staircases at the front and back which will go down to battlefields
I added materials to these cubes, and they’ll be my main enemies called the cubeoids for my FPS game, I want to add physics to them in the game.
This is the map I have right now, I’m thinking of adding some hallways that’ll branch off and maybe a parkore section.
I added this goofy looking box that can be seen when you start the game, I added a spotlight to it also, I can add colors and a different texture later. maybe the game could be that you have to knock it over?
I made a silly pumpkin character that I gave an idle and walk animation, I need to watch the Godot tutorial video to add him in the program. I also started working on scenery with autumn tree and some jack-o-lanterns
Jellybelly is completely finished and published on I had a ton of fun making it!
The game is finished and has two endings, I could change the mazes and add more mechanics to the ending, I also changed the sprite colors so it’s clearer to the player
In the first 2 Seafloor rooms I added a key to a chest that leads to the secret rooms which have more horror elements and would lead to a secret ending after getting a special item
I also drew a logo for the page, it’ll be used when the game is finished
I really like using Bitsy game engine. i used custom sprites and tiles using a sea animal and ocean theme. I animated the characters and the seaweed in the backgrounds and made custom dialog. I also recorded playthroughs of the game
Make Friends With Bingus by Nicholas.GonsalvesBMCC (
I drew a banner for the game, but in the window my images won’t show up, I don’t know if that’s because I typed the code wrong or if it’s because of