I started with a floor that led to a building, which led to an enclosed space giving the player that sense of “okay I can move around but wait there’s a monster, I can’t get out!”
Author: Jesus Soto
Unreal creations

The idea behind this is to make a platformer like “chained together” where you have to keep climbing up by jumping from one platform to the next
Shakran Godot game

Godot game

this is my up to date version of the game, kept it simple. A platformer inspired by the Mario games verticality. Still needs to some tweaks here and there.
Godot game update

I haven’t completely decided if I want to turn this into a dungeon based game or copy classic Mario games. The jump strength and tiles still need some work, I’ll be redesigning the entire layout to add more obstacles and jump points.

My Godot character model and scene, still a work in progress. The creature is a hybrid mix of a few animals just haven’t decided of what yet and the game itself I’m leaning towards another dungeon adventure.
The Itsy Bitsy Maze of Doom

Here are the full 5 rooms players will be adventuring through, it does get exponentially more difficult as you progress. Word of warning – picking up the wrong key will send you back to the very first room, requiring you to start the journey over without resetting the game. So be mindful of where you pick up certain keys because those spots will still send you back to the start.
Maze World

The objective of the game is to reach the end of the maze or be stuck in an endless cycle forever! Map designs and the gimmick were inspired by the gameboy generation pokemon games. The music is fire, I had a lot of fun playing around with the beats and hope you enjoy it too.
Dungeon Itch

I’ve published my twine game unto Itch.io, I like the way it turned out and I’m thinking I could keep expanding it into a real dungeon crawler.
Twine Dungeon

The variable I added is used to track the player’s option in choosing to steal a piece of pie or leave it alone, and they are either rewarded or harmed based on their choice.