User Feedback

Was the game too hard/too easy/did you encounter any problems?

It was Easy and I encountered no problems.

Too easy.

No problems encountered

The game was good.

The game was to easy because there are only obstacles in the game no enemies.

I was manage to jump into one platform to another.

It’s pretty easy to avoid bombs, it might be more challenging if they were moving or bigger.

Felt like there weren’t enough obstacles

What did you like about the game?

The Frog was cute!

I like the art of the game.

I thought the main character was cute

I like the animation.

I like that I tried my best to beat this level even, I lost once but I kept going without losing again.

I did not face any difficulty in the game.

The art is really good, the frog animation looks good and the damage animation is cool. Background scenes and tiles look good too.

I like the visuals, it looks really good

Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

The frog needs to eat some flies!

I would add more enemies and make the jumps harder.

Add sound to your game.

That’s all I have.

It’s a bit hard to see the platforms, it might be helpful to zoom out a little bit so we can see where it’s going more easily.

Add more hazards

Finale 270

This is a game created for no real reason but to see an apple man go through obstacles and sumo wrestlers so that the man at the end can eventually eat him. It has a bunch of different spaces to adventure into but it isn’t very long as its just one level. Its a quick fun look if you’re into games that are just games with no backstory.

These are the TileMaps used to configure the level of the game

Game Sprites and Original Artwork

AppleMan Sprite

Sumo Sprite

Man & Directional Sprites

3 stills of the gameplay link

User Testing Results

My User Testing Feedback

Half of the users got to the end of the game and the other half didn’t or are not sure. It seems that I need to make the ending of the level have a cue showing that the level is over. I also need to make more signs to show the player where to go.

My User Testing Feedback

Users played the game evenly between less than 5, 5 to 10 and more than 10 minutes. I think the game should take at least 5 minutes, so I want to make sure the game play is a bit longer.