Users played the game evenly between less than 5, 5 to 10 and more than 10 minutes. I think the game should take at least 5 minutes, so I want to make sure the game play is a bit longer.
Author: Owen Roberts
My First Game Build
Here’s a link to my first game build:
Background music and Gameplay Sound Effects
The background music is Andante by Dee Yan-Key:
Apple sound:
Other sounds from JFXR.
My First Level
My level starts by indicating that the character has to go to the right. The character is then challenged with a series of jumps. The last jump is too far, so the character will fall into a safe area. Then the cactus obstacles are introduced. After that the Bug obstacle appears. And the Apple rewards. Then the level branches and the player has to choose jumping over cactuses or bugs, and then the two branches come together and the players faces bugs and cactuses at the same time and then gets a lot of apples.
Moving Enemy
For my moving obstacle I added a bug. The sprite sheet has the Idle, Walk, Attack and Dies animations.
Rewards and Obstacles
I added an apple as a reward and a cactus as an obstacle.
Parallax background with Platformer Tileset.
Scenic elements and RPG tileset.
My Game Character
My 3 character designs.
My character animations.
My First Godot Scene
Here is a screen shot of my first Godot scene: