Open Lab Intro – Skill tree

I would like to create a game that is focused on beautiful environments or colorful art like graffiti style but I may change it because I have a lot of ideas that I want to try in one game, I would like to focus on the artist part and I will work with someone in the class who is my friend, we want to try something together and see if it’s going to work well.

I want to make the game interactive with npc in the world, basically walking around and going through obstacles and talking to people to learn more about the story of the game.

The player is going to walk around the world and meet new npc characters to learn more about what is happening and the characters are going to have a unique look for each other.

As you learn more from the dialogues, you get to unlock new places and keep going forward with background music that makes you feel like you are part of the game, unique game sound effects will also play a big part in the game and I would like to show my game to people who are interested in giving a look to help me improve and user testing is also important to get feedback.

Skill Tree – Joshua Young

For me I am willing to become a video game artist of any kind. Whether I will be a character designer, illustrator, etc. I also want to get into more of the technical part of the game designing, and if possible with other people helping helping me while I help them as well in whatever way I can. Yes this looks like a LOT, but I plan to do a majority, if not all the art and possibly a decent amount of Godot programming.

Please bare with me on this hard journey.

Categorized as Apprentice

Skill Tree – M. Rivera

This is my intended skill tree so far.

However, I’m looking to complete every skill path here despite going well pass the A grade mark. I’m really interested in picking up as many skills as possible.

Open Lab – Skill Tree Map

For my skill tree map, while I want to try and do every single task, these are the most important tasks I want to do to learn for future independent development. It totals 59 points should I complete them all.

Learning animation for sprites is most important for me because I want to be a sprite animator for a video game company in the future. Learning how to actually make levels is second most important, especially since there are a few game ideas I have that I’d love to develop. Lastly exporting and publishing just seem like the next logical step for actually making a game exist.

Skill Tree – Ben R.

I am attempting the Developer/Designer tree for this course because I want to find out if a Developer/Designer playthrough would be more enjoyable than my original plan, an Artist build.

I’m very interesting in learning the “simple” QoL things that occur in games, like auto-sorting inventories, or magnetic item pickups, or even just the intricacies of a level gated skill tree.

My first Godot Scene

Here’s my first Godot scene with a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich walking in a forrest.

My Open Lab Avatar

I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because that is all I eat.

Categorized as Art Intro