Godot Intro- Heni Abid

I’ve enjoyed learning the basics of Godot, It is quite difficult at first but with practice, It comes easy and I’m having fun with it and I’m willing to learn more tricks.

Open Lab Intro David Frias

I decided to choose a mix of designer/artist and sound design, might try some extra material If I’m up for the challenge, I want to be able to create something that is both simple to play yet hard to master.

Art Intro-ReubenJM

This is unique to me because it’s multiple ideas/themes put together to make something different. Another reason this is unique to me is because of it’s simplicity, I’ve seen similar art/characters but not as simple.

Categorized as Art Intro

Skill Tree Plan-ReubenJM

Hi everyone for my skill tree I plan to focus on mainly art with a little design and programming. I chose to mainly focus on art because I personally know if I where actually on a game designing team artist is the role I’d pick based on my experience and joy I have when drawing. I wanted to learn a little bit on the physics of a game because I find it interesting and it keeps the game realistic in a sense. I also wanted to do a little designer because in my head it isn’t too far off from art.

Skill Tree-Danzan Armanov

These are the section that I chose so far.

Hello everyone, for my game I would like to focus mostly on art and design. I will try to create an appealing game with interesting characters and settings. Obviously, I will also include other parts of the skill tree in order to create my game.

Open Lab Intro-Skill Tree-James Rodriguez

For my Skill Tree, I decided to use have a balance of Developer/Artist/Designer, because I want to at least have knowledge and basics of building my own games and to have a build portfolio by the end. I’m excited to work with my peers as we help each other out, and I hope to continue my education after completing this course.

open lab intro

i would like to create a game that is focused on story line or a relaxing environment,maybe i will add something more .I would like to work with my friend in class,and try make this game more fun.

I want to make a game with a complete story line ,continue the progress of the entire game by continuously talking to different NPCs,then by constantly talking to different NPCs to unlock more new places.

I think a story game ,background music is a very imortant project,because different stories you need to use different music to set off the atmosphere, so that players can immerse themselves in the game ,so that your game can be successful,so i think i need work hard on music part.

Art Lab – Ben R.


I chose this as my avatar because going as far back as I’ve been playing games, my username has always been some variation of Doctor (TheDoctor, NotADoctor, NotYourDoctor), which started because I was really into Doctor Who around the time I got my first computer. Shortly after I started playing competitive shooter games like CS:GO and since there wasn’t really a reason to be a “doctor” in a game about shooting the enemy before they shoot you, I changed it, briefly, to NotADoctor, and then stuck with NotYourDoctor because it sounded better to me. What really solidified it for me was the game Rainbow 6: Siege, where my main operator was, you guessed it, Doc. That’s where the icon and name come from, and I’ve been using the name ever since 2015 so at this point I’d probably respond to it without blinking in a regular conversation.

Skill Tree | Kathleen Molina

First part of my skill tree.
Second part of my skill tree.

Hello everyone. I am very new to this game developer course. I have never made a game before and I am not confident in my artistry so I hope everyone can be patient and helpful as I work through the semester to meet expectations for this course. I would love to work on the visionary of the game… like the aesthetics such as variations of character costumes, interface, sounds, etc to help bring the story to life.

This is the path I chose and I hope we all do super well and gain something from one another. Happy gaming!