Background Music – Reuben J. Medina

This would be the background music for the start screen of the game.

This would be the first level background music.

This would be the second level background music.

This would be the third and last level background music.

I found this background music on, it is called 4 Chiptunes (Adventures) it was made by Juhani Junkala

Scenery – Reuben J. Medina

This is the background for my Teletrition game. It is supposed to be living buildings with actually faces and emotions. Since the plot of the story is, a major event caused technology, machinery, and inanimate objects to become living. This would be the second level of the game.

Obstacles and Enemies

For this portion I wanted to keep the aesthetic of the characters cohesive so the enemies are robots as well called “Cyrex” and I made little triangular obstacles.

Cyrex idle.
Cyrtex walking.
When Cyrex attacks he darkens and is overheating.
When defeated, Cyrex head drops and is set to ‘offline mode’.
Random obstacle
The obstacle and enemy are on the platforms waiting for JR to pass through.

Crawford Chapter 1 / HENI ABID

A game is a closed formal system that subjectively represents a subset of reality. 

The Art of Computer Game Design – Chapter 1

I found this quote interesting and meaningful because a game can be a fiction story or a non-fiction story and it is not necessarily to represent reality. 

A very important motivation to play games is fantasy fulfillment.

The Art of Computer Game Design- Chapter 2

It is very true, games are meant to be a source of enjoyment and happiness, which means they can transport the player who was stressed and sad into a different world full of imagination and creativity.

A game must have a clearly defined goal.

The Art of Computer Game Design- Chapter 5

Games are similar to films at this point. To write a script for a film, you must have a meaningful story, a clear Protagonist who is called a player in games, and a defined goal. 

Character Design

I was inspired by the character design in the castle destroyer, and then I wanted to create a more anthropomorphic character, so I made the following characters, which include the anime I like to watch and some of my own ideas

The Godot Intro

With enough motivation, willpower (or lack thereof), and relearning all I know about coding and etc, I finally create this godot intro. I wanted to draw my own sprites and add them to the intro cause why not. I wanted to do something more with this, but that plan failed (miserably). The only thing I can’t get working is the camera to follow my character. I’ve tried to add my script to the camera, didn’t work. I’ve tried to follow the vid exactly, that didn’t work. I don’t know for sure if I’m missing something but it is what it is. My skills are better suited as an artist but I’m back on my insanely slow journey to relearning tedious coding. Woo.

Godot Intro- Heni Abid

I’ve enjoyed learning the basics of Godot, It is quite difficult at first but with practice, It comes easy and I’m having fun with it and I’m willing to learn more tricks.

open lab intro

i would like to create a game that is focused on story line or a relaxing environment,maybe i will add something more .I would like to work with my friend in class,and try make this game more fun.

I want to make a game with a complete story line ,continue the progress of the entire game by continuously talking to different NPCs,then by constantly talking to different NPCs to unlock more new places.

I think a story game ,background music is a very imortant project,because different stories you need to use different music to set off the atmosphere, so that players can immerse themselves in the game ,so that your game can be successful,so i think i need work hard on music part.