Background Music – Reuben J. Medina

This would be the background music for the start screen of the game.

This would be the first level background music.

This would be the second level background music.

This would be the third and last level background music.

I found this background music on, it is called 4 Chiptunes (Adventures) it was made by Juhani Junkala

Interface Sounds

The interface sounds were at the same time, easy but also took some time for me to think. It has to be something that is.. catchy? As long as it’s not annoying and indicates the player that they are moving and selecting something.

This is the sound I went for when moving through options:

Then the sound when you select an option:

Finally, the game over sequence:

I wanted to go for a dreading kind of theme, but also soothing. Well, you died. So you can’t exactly feel anything. Your nerves shut down, you feel nothing; almost peaceful. At the same time, dreading cause you probably left someone you love behind. That kind of feeling. I should improve it though.

Sound Effects

Now, I’m still insanely new to doing this kind of thing, Sound effects are something I love if its done right. I can really improve here with the quick sound effects I created for my RPG game. It’s something I’ll either rework with some of these effects or further improve.

This is the jump sound effect:

Then the land effect:

The hit effect (which will most likely get reworked. I don’t really like it, I want something more flashy sounding for different attacks, but I need to practice more for it):

The item pickup effect, but for small items (a bigger item would have a more grand theme):

And finally, the save/checkpoint effect:

It was sorta weird to learn, since I’m mainly an artist/animator guy, but this was nice to pick up nonetheless and another skill to improve later on.

Background Music

Oh boy, either this is my favorite to sort out or animating characters themselves.. Now, I’m not the best at making background music, I couldn’t think of the right theme for my characters or the setting of the game. HOWEVER, I have a friend who does music and was willing to let me borrow his music for my RPG game. He’s not in the class, he’s someone I’ve known for a solid while overseas. We talk online, and I do really like his tracks. This was one of the few tracks that I picked for the background music.

HOLY SH- oh right, I can’t swear. I’m in class. I have to keep up the formal act for now. This track is one of my favorites that he’s created. I want the track to start at around 0:26, and then continue on as a loop. I’ll have to plan it out soon. Obviously I’ll give credit where it’s due when I do publish my game. I’m looking forward to working with him more soon.