Research #2

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, chapter 2

I used to read comics when I was a kid but I stopped after growing up, comics are very artistic in my opinion because they give a different feeling, it feels like I’m just reading a book but at the same time, watching a movie. I started watching comics after my friend told me to so I can relate with this screenshot.

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, chapter 3

Comics also requires the reader to analyze in order to understand the hidden meaning in the story, it’s powerful if you get it. Comics also help us with our imagination, we can learn a lot from them and use them when we are brainstorming.

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, chapter 6

Nothing is perfect, not even comics, there is always something that the readers won’t like. we are all different and we have different taste and that is the reason why some people hate some things and some people loves them.

Sybon Action

This game is really annoying because of the traps that are hidden, I died a lot of times because of my mistakes and that made me annoyed, the controls are a little bit hard to control due to the speed of the character.

Understanding Comics Research Lab – Joshua Young

“The trick is to never mistake the message for the messenger”

In Comics, it’s a whole other medium on how to convey a story to their respective audience. The medium is the comic, the message is shown within the comic, and the messenger is the author using the comic, what Mcloud wanted to say is to not confuse the authors words or intentions with what is shown in the comic.

“However much we may try to understand the world of comics around us, a part of that world will always lie in shadow– a mystery”

There is a vast majority of comics that have been released today, there may be a ton of hidden gems that can change your world view or others that have messages you hate. The many types of comics that focus on action like Marvel comics or the comics that are meant for comedic purposes like Garfield or the Sonic the Hedgehog comic. There will always be a shadow of comics for people because it also falls of their perception of what genres they’re interested in.

“Humans are a self-centered race. We see ourselves in everything. We assign identities and emotions where none exist. And we make the world over in our own image.”

Mcloud saying this quote to define how we as people perceive certain things as emotions like emoticons and even two dots and a line to signify a face. By making that connection, it explains the existence of being able to simplify certain expressions into more comprehendible images for viewers. Making images as simple as you can see fit can help bring that benefit of attracting more of an audience because it isn’t overly complicated.

Understanding comics / HENI ABID

Mccloud here trying to explain that comics’s creators all over the world, every creator has his own taste, images, and ideas, and also has a rule, they have to send a clear message to the audience or the messenger.

Mccloud receives a question from a Bunny guy who was asking what’s the difference between Cartoons and Comics. If I were Mccloud, I can say that a cartoon is a single panel image used to convey an idea, however, a comic is a story told using sequential panel images.

Most people love cartoons more than comics. Cartoons can tell you how exactly the characters are feeling and its facial expressions help revealing it, and some people prefers cartoons more than comics because they don’t want to read to have fun and lugh, they just want to watch the visuals , it is more easy for them.

Research Paper #2 Comics

II like watching anime very much, so I don’t read the comics less, but as for the cartoon, I think he is more like a kind of artwork, and the form he expresses can resonate with the audience.

And comics and cartoons are all the author’s ideas drawn on paper, but some things do not need to be drawn, but they can be reminiscent. I think this kind of artistic expression is very unique.

Besides, who doesn’t have a world constructed by himself, I know it sounds a bit stupid, but it is precisely because of these “worlds constructed by myself” that there will be current animations and cartoons.

Research Paper #2 Comics

Understanding Comics Chapter 2

Although comics and cartoons are different in which comic uses juxtaposed panel and textual devices to convey a message or tell a story while also giving distinction to the art style that is used and cartoons are more of illustrations that are later put into media they both serve a similar purpose. To tell a story that can resonate with the audience and create different art forms to consistently revolutionize its artistry and storytelling.

Understanding Comics Chapter 2

Personally, I feel we all connect and fully immerse ourselves in cartoons because of how easily it helps us escape reality and allows our imagination to wander and grow. It delivers messages to use in a way we can easily understand without it being too much to consume. It also brings out our inner child that never leaves us even after we enter adulthood. I know my favorite cartoon characters are Spongebob, Ariel from the Little Mermaid, and Bugs Bunny. Comedic because of Spongebob, whimsical because of Ariel, and a little aggressive because of Bugs Bunny.

Understanding Comics Chapter 2

This you cannot argue with. Humans will place themselves in every scenario. I am honestly not sure why. Some situations I hope to never experience and so I do not imagine myself involved but every game we play, every movie we watch, whatever we see on the news the statement I hear and I some times reiterate is “that couldn’t be me” meaning you already placed yourself in that situation and mapped out all the pros and cons and came to the conclusion “not me”. There’s a whole psychological science behind it explaining why our brains are wired this way but I’ll let you google that information.

Understanding Comics Chapter 2 – Xaei Li

I was really impressed at how meta the author was making the comic sound. He really twisted my brain a bit with the “Pipe or Pipe to be or Pipe not to be” analogy haha

The author was being very descriptive with everything we were seeing we were seeing. A perfect example for reference is on page 27 when he says; “This is paper, This is INK on paper”. Things we know of but don’t really stop to acknowledge.

“The images we use to represent concepts, ideas, and philosophies.” “Icons of the practical realm.” “And finally, Icons we call pictures: images designed to actually resemble their subjects.” If you were to stop and broke down the things you look around you and think of the pre-determined perception you see ’em with… YOU’D BE AMAZED!