Research paper #1

“Computer games are much like candy, comic books, and cartoons. All four activities provide
intense or exaggerated experiences. Whether they use sugar, exclamation points, or animated
explosions, the goal is the same: to provide extreme experiences”

I find this very meaningful because it’s what I thought how games works, they give us experiences and feelings that makes us learn new things, game often give us different experiences so I really think this means a lot to everyone who plays games.

“Interaction is important for several reasons. First, it injects a social or interpersonal element into the event.
It transforms the challenge of the game from a technical one to an interpersonal one.”

Interacting is really important nowadays because it makes the game feel alive, when I play games, I enjoy interacting a lot because I can learn much from it and feel the atmosphere.

“A game creates a subjective and deliberately simplified representation of emotional reality. A game is not
an objectively accurate representation of reality; objective accuracy is only necessary to the extent required
to support the player’s fantasy.”

I think games can also give what people desire, some people have their own fantasy or imagination, games can give them what they want and I really support this because happiness is very important.

Crawford Chapter 1 Research – Joshua Young

“Those who overrate their own understanding undercut their own potential for learning.”

In game design or in game development, we as both the players and the developers often overrate our skill wen making a game or product. The same goes for the opposite, people often underrate themselves in their in own skills when they create a game, they can be the most skilled programmer but if they don’t think of programming in terms of improving the experience for the player, then it’s hard to say whether that person is a good game programmer. The moral of this quote is that we all have the potential to create something amazing, but we can’t undercut or overrate our abilities, we can just do what is within our skill level to use as a learning experience.

“Games are objectively unreal in that they do not
physically re create the situations they represent, yet they are subjectively real to the player”

When playing games we like, whether it be the story or the gameplay, we get this subjective attachment to it that we feel immersed into the game. Games like Persona 5 makes us immersed with the characters and gameplay but also a game like OMORI can keep us attached to the characters with its storytelling, the situations the game puts us in and that we as developers put our player in must have some sort of hook took keep them playing the whole way through our game.

“the player of a game is encouraged to explore alternatives,
contrapositives, and inversions. The game player is free to explore the causal relationship from many
different angles.”

This quote means how in games it encourages the player to create their own story instead of always being presented the facts like a regular story. Games that do this often has some kind of quest system implemented that can both influence the story and give the player optional content and gameplay to go through for story reasons, an example of a game like these can be OMORI and even the more recently released Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach by having the option to the player to access multiple endings. This is all a choice for the type of game you as the developer are going for, but as a suggestion, if you make a game where your choices should matter, and if it will have one ending no matter the choices, have a good build up in the story ending to make that ending satisfying to the player.

Crawford Chapter 1 / HENI ABID

A game is a closed formal system that subjectively represents a subset of reality. 

The Art of Computer Game Design – Chapter 1

I found this quote interesting and meaningful because a game can be a fiction story or a non-fiction story and it is not necessarily to represent reality. 

A very important motivation to play games is fantasy fulfillment.

The Art of Computer Game Design- Chapter 2

It is very true, games are meant to be a source of enjoyment and happiness, which means they can transport the player who was stressed and sad into a different world full of imagination and creativity.

A game must have a clearly defined goal.

The Art of Computer Game Design- Chapter 5

Games are similar to films at this point. To write a script for a film, you must have a meaningful story, a clear Protagonist who is called a player in games, and a defined goal. 

Research Paper #1

The only way to properly represent this webwork is to allow the
audience to explore its nooks and crannies to let them generate causes and observe effects. Thus, the highest
and most complete form of representation is interactive representation. Games provide this interactive
element, and it is a crucial factor in their appeal.

The Art of Computer Game Design by Chris Crawford, 1997.

I think it is because the game has a “objective” that people like to play the game, and the process and results of the game are what people are willing to enjoy, so many people like to play the game

Games also attempt to represent reality. the player of a game is encouraged to explore alternatives,
contrapositives, and inversions. The game player is free to explore the causal relationship from many
different angles.

The Art of Computer Game Design by Chris Crawford, 1997.

Because the game has many options, each player can make different choices, giving players a very high degree of freedom to enjoy the game

it is possible to
include cooperative elements by shifting the conflict.

The Art of Computer Game Design by Chris Crawford, 1997.

People can also learn to cooperate in the game, from which they know how important a team’s coagulation is

Research Paper #1

But the most fascinating thing about reality is not that it is, or even that it changes, but how it changes, the intricate webwork of cause and effect by which all things are tied together.

The Art of Computer Game Design by Chris Crawford, 1997.

I think we can all agree that this quote not only explains how a game functions but the difference between a good game and a great game is just how intricate or in-depth the designers take the story and give the player a multitude of options on how they want the story to be told. Not only is it significant but compared to other means of entertainment in which you cannot control the situation makes it special for the player. Allowing you to become the protagonist in the game, and leading “your story” to either victory or inevitable doom is whatever favors the player and makes them want to play it again.

Conflict can only be avoided by eliminating the active response to the player’s actions. Without active response, there can be no interaction. Thus, expunging conflict from a game inevitably destroys the game.

The Art of Computer Design by Chris Crawford, 1997.

This quote I felt explains why games like Call of Duty, Halo Infinite, or even Pokémon have such a high success rate because there’s a lot of conflict going on. All games have some level of conflict, it’s hard to really decipher ones that don’t but removing that element from any game is just going to promote disaster and an unhappy player. Why? A game without real reaction, challenges, rewards, etc. serves no purpose because it would be just dull and boring. People love a challenge, a story, and feeling accomplished in their gaming time.

Motivating factors get people to approach games in general; enjoyment factors help them make their choice of particular games.

The Art of Computer Game Design by Chris Crawford, 1997.

This couldn’t be truer. Every gamer has a preference when choosing a game to play. Personally, I am more of a player vs player type of gamer in which I enjoy entering a game with options for me to choose on how to approach my enemies with strategy, precision, and execution. Games like Destiny, Call of Duty, Smite, Elder Scrolls Online, and GTAV. But I also love games that allow a large group of people to play and be a part of a clan/tribe/team. This allows me to bring in my friends to play whilst making new friends and possibly being a part of a community. Any game with these motivating factors I would give it a try and if I see potential, I will bug my friends to get the game too.