Scene Manager

Aka, I seriously have no idea what I’m doing. I’m a lost cause for programming/coding things and its something that I REALLY need to relearn again. I think I managed to handle the scene manager..? I tried to follow the video, buut.. I still got lost. I have a feeling I’m missing stuff.

I suck at programming.

Scene Manager – Ben R

Fairly simple, and honestly feel like I might be missing something with this lab, not sure how I haven’t done it yet

Adding in the relevant portions of my own script related to signals and paths in case I am missing something in the above screenshot

roots and paths in order to obtain external information
Example of signals for animation

Scene Manager

I encountered some bugs in the process, but they were resolved in the end

Scene Manager – Rose

Today I did the scene manager lab. I managed to successfully make the player die upon a certain condition and have the UI pop up.

Scene Manager- James

So far I’m beginning to understand how Global, Variables and Functions work in Godot and after having a complete understanding, I feel a confident to begin added my sprites and assets to the Godot engine.


I enjoyed learning how scripts can relate to each other, Between the players and UI. and here is the final scene.

Scene Manager – Leighton Snyder

I found the lesson very interesting, and the video did a great job at explaining how the different scripts communicate. A lot of other tutorials don’t mention the importance of this setup early on (scene manager, etc.) and then by the time you realize you need it, you already have a bunch of unorganized code. (at least in my few experiences) I appreciate the thoroughness! (even if I have to pause often)

Here is pink person marching to their death: