Player Physics – Ben R

Max speed so holding W and D at same time doesn’t make you faster, friction is how quickly you slow down, and acceleration is how quickly you speed up

Little bit much since late post, but the animations are all stored in the animation tree, and the yellow bits with “parameters” get the values of the movement and translate it into what animation to play

Video showcasing movement (might be hard to see since small)

Player Physics- James

I was able to add the gravity to my character, along with the jump force. So far when the character falls over the screen he dies but I’m not able to see the death animation. Overall, I’m enjoying how well my game is coming along and with the player physics now added, I’m able to begin working on the Projectile Physics lab.

Player Physics – Leighton Snyder

I finished the player physics lab, and while it’s still rough around the edges, I think it’s a good place to stop for now. There are a lot of things to keep track of code-wise, but I think I was able to get a hold of it eventually.

I was able to add a double-jump (although there’s likely a better way) and here’s how I went about it:

I added two new variables: jump_max for the maximum number of jumps you can take (which I exported so you can edit it quickly) and jump_count for keeping track of how many jumps the character has left.

Jump Max in the Player properties.
I added “jump_count > 0” as a condition for can_jump.
The jump_count resets every time you touch the ground.
And 1 is subtracted from jump_count everytime you jump.

So, here is everything together. I also added the arm to the player (doesn’t follow the mouse yet) and changed how gravity and jump height is calculated so I could get more consistent jumps.

I swear there is sound; it just wasn’t recorded. I’ll fix that one of these days.
