Obstacles and Collisions- James

Unfortunately the game bar to record in my desktop doesn’t work, so here are screen shot images of how adding the collisions in my enemies every time my character gets hit.

This screen shot shows how the enemies dies when my character jump on top of the robots head. I’m going to add the projectiles as another way to destroy the enemies.

Obstacles and Collisions – Leighton Snyder

After doing the obstacles lab, I think I understands signals a little bit more. I think I’m getting the hang of some of the code stuff now, so I didn’t have too many issues. Because I have my character’s arm as a separate sprite (to follow the mouse for aiming) I needed to do an extra step, to make sure it turned invisible when the character takes damage and dies. So I added that here:

Here’s it all together:

Five lives so I could do that last three-plant-hit combo…

My Obstacles/ HENI ABID

Obstacles and Collisions lab was quite difficult especially in writing codes but It’s worth it because I learned and I successfully finished it.

Here are my two scenes for the obstacles.