Enemies – Ben R

Gave it 30 lives because I got bored, unsure why animations are not working as they were before I added the detection zone, and the detection zone also does damage when you enter it for some reason (it’s not even looking at the player’s hurtbox layer)

Mini boss fight displaying future combat

Enemies – Leighton Snyder

Definitely a lot going on in this lab. I think for the game I had in mind, I will probably rework some things, since the combat will mostly be ranged, but I was able to get everything working that was covered in the lab.

A weird blip was that after adding the stay_on_platform functionality, enemies without that check wouldn’t turning when hitting a wall. So I separated the wall collision part from the stay_on_platform argument:

Probably a prettier way to do it, but this ended up working.

Here it is all together: