
At one point I knew how to code something. Then it decided to fly out of my head.

Although I’m pretty sure I’ve managed for this intro. Coding was slowly getting back to me.

Slow and steady progress, but I’ll eventually get the hang of it soon.

Scene Manager

Aka, I seriously have no idea what I’m doing. I’m a lost cause for programming/coding things and its something that I REALLY need to relearn again. I think I managed to handle the scene manager..? I tried to follow the video, buut.. I still got lost. I have a feeling I’m missing stuff.

I suck at programming.

Enemies – Ben R

Gave it 30 lives because I got bored, unsure why animations are not working as they were before I added the detection zone, and the detection zone also does damage when you enter it for some reason (it’s not even looking at the player’s hurtbox layer)

Mini boss fight displaying future combat

Player Physics – Ben R

Max speed so holding W and D at same time doesn’t make you faster, friction is how quickly you slow down, and acceleration is how quickly you speed up

Little bit much since late post, but the animations are all stored in the animation tree, and the yellow bits with “parameters” get the values of the movement and translate it into what animation to play

Video showcasing movement (might be hard to see since small)

Scene Manager – Ben R

Fairly simple, and honestly feel like I might be missing something with this lab, not sure how I haven’t done it yet

Adding in the relevant portions of my own script related to signals and paths in case I am missing something in the above screenshot

roots and paths in order to obtain external information
Example of signals for animation

Dialog Systems and Add-Ons – Rose

I added the dialog system for the entirety of my demo. This video only shows the first dialog of the game, because I hope that during our final day of class everyone can play the demo and experience the rest of the dialog for themselves.

Metrics & Collecting Items- James

I added the Metrics and Collecting Items in my game. In the second slide you can see that my character can collect coins (Rewards). You can also see that my player has lost a heart from the enemy. In the third slide, my player can collect the hearts to refill his life meter.