UI Design – Rose

I’m currently doing around 5 labs at once for a thing, but here’s the first that’s completely done. All UI for the game has been designed!

I have the many buttons, a game over screen, a next level screen, and a title screen. I’m quite proud of the artwork for the title. Instead of an instructions screen, I’ve made an “NPC” of sorts that cuts in with instructions to the player, both about how to play and the game mechanics. His name is Agent Mortimer, a mysterious intel agent constantly shrouded in darkness.

Designing With TileMaps – James

I finally added my tile sets to the godot engine! Mostly I was just watching the video and placing the tile sets in different places. However, I was able to understand how to add the collisions to the tiles and adding pass through tiles.

I was able to also fix the collision shape 2D box of my character as I wanted his legs to touch the ground. I will begin working on the level design and adding and fixing a my tile set for the background.

User Interface Layout – James

So this is my UI Layout in Godot and this is how it will look like in the Start Menu, with three buttons like the New Game, Options, Exit.

When you click on the Options button, it will show you the Instruction of how to control the player.

When the player dies, it will show the game over scene with two options. The “try again” and “quit” button will allow you to restart the game or exit the game.

The same will happen if you win the game. I will added them to a level scene, once I finish adding the tile sets and adding the collisions and player physics on the character.

User Interface Design-James

For my User Interface Design, I wanted the home titled screen to have a science fiction style. The name of my game is called “Legions of the Heroics” since the theme of my game takes place in the future. Legions are AI robots and make up the majority in this world. In the options section, will allow the User to look at the instruction of how to control the player.

Designing w Tilemaps – Ben Rosenblum

Short display of first tileset I added to Godot. Elevated, stairs, walls, and features are in another set.
Image of the tileset displayed in the video above.
Image of WIP tileset for multiple heights and additional entities.
Displaying added collision blockers

Tiles/Designing with Tiles/Rewards – Rose

It’s been a while, but that is because I designed a lot of things and held off on putting them into godot until today, where I decided to put them all together and get three labs done at once.

First, here are the sprites for my rewards. 6 eggs for 6 levels, one egg as the main goal for each level.

Second, here are my tiles for the tile map. I do plan to make more special tiles, like ones for water hazard, but for now these are the ones that will be used the most often.

Finally, here’s everything put together in godot.

UI Design – Ben R

A UI from user Buch on Open Game Art that I borrowed the basics from and expanded on to in order to repurpose it for my own game

The numbers are all 5×7 pixels, and the letters as well as LMB/RMB are slightly smaller. (Example layout coming soon)