Metrics & Collecting Items- James

I added the Metrics and Collecting Items in my game. In the second slide you can see that my character can collect coins (Rewards). You can also see that my player has lost a heart from the enemy. In the third slide, my player can collect the hearts to refill his life meter.

Designing with Tilemaps – Leighton

I used the tilesets from the art lab for this tilemap. They seem to work well enough for my platformer, but I might spend time after the semester going back in and improving some of the art for the weirder intersections.

Here’s the tiles in-game in the beginning of what will be my level:

Here’s a very short clip:

UI Layout/Collecting Items/Checkpoints and Portals/Level Design – Rose

Another mega post! I’ve spent the last few weeks making all this work, because what I wanted to do for my game required a little bit of a lot of labs.

I’ve implemented most of my UI from the last time, and it’s all functional now. I’ve also implemented a checkpoint system which keeps track of the player’s spawnpoint and restores their HP to max.

Upon collecting the egg at the end of the level, the next level UI pops up and acts as a portal to take the player into the 2nd level.

For the design of the first level, the player starts in the woods. They get introduced to the stage hazard of the game, being water. The player can jump to avoid the water, except for the last puddle, which is impossible to not get hit on. This is to introduce the player to the boroughs, which have checkpoints that both save your spawnpoint and restore you to max hp. Upon trying to exit the borough, the player will be prompted on wall jumping, which for this game is to just spam the jump button as fast as possible for velocity. The player then has to use this to get up a mountain, and if they have enough velocity they can go down the secret path. Afterwards, they come to a clearing where the level’s egg is.

Here’s all of that together, in one video:

Level Design / HENI ABID

Level1 Progression.

This is the beginning of level 1. I have implemented the wall on the left to tell the player that the character must go to the right.
In the next image, my character has jumped already. I added a sign that warn the player from the snakes.

The next step is to move out from the snake and eat the apples.

Shaquille Edwards

the name of my game is robot ninja. when I was choosing colors I used the some colors as my game character, I wanted it to match.

Designing with TileMaps – Gal Ben Baruch

I basically the tiles the professor had since this isn’t a level design except for the last part which are a different set of assets I will use for the level design in the next labs, and of course I will have a different character, it’s the generic platformer game

Joshua Young – User Interface Design Lab

Here is my Title Screen art. This is actually a pre made art that I hade for my character for a while. I didn’t expect to use it for a title screen. But this is how it looks without the buttons.

My control screen is a bit basic since it’s a platformer for now. So just the movement controls and item collecting controls work out for now.

Here is my Game Over Screen

Load Button
Start/New game button
Quit Button