Research Paper – Crawford Chapter 1

Chapters/Points I found interesting

-What is a game?

-Why do people play games?

-The game design sequence.

  1. When I was about to start reading the first chapter I had already assumed what’s to come, but I’m happy to announce that I was wrong. Facts I didn’t even think of appeared to be broken down in the paragraphs of the first chapter. 

I refer to ‘obstacles’ we encounter as pupils, such as; minimizing what we can learn from game design because of how comfortable we might already feel in this environment as players. 

“Those who overrate their own understanding undercut their own potential for learning.”(3rd paragraph).

Another point this chapter brought up that amused me was the different types of engines where games, computer games specifically, can be played on. (And I’m not referring to gaming platforms if that’s what came to mind for you).

“These games are played on five types of computers: expensive dedicated machines for the arcades (“coin-op” machines), inexpensive dedicated machines (“handhelds”), multi-program home games, machines such as the ATARI 2600 and the ATARI 5200, personal computers, and large mainframe computers.” (3rd page of chapter 1, computer games section).

  1. The second chapter talks about some reasons why we play games. I would even label them as Taboo because of how real, and relatable they’re. I won’t spoil most of the reasons, but some of these can be; 

To prove oneself by demonstrating prowess, aka becoming an expert on a specific field (In this case this could be a specific game brand, the game mechanic, and obtaining recognition from social events that for some can be tournaments.)

“There are also players who carry this to extremes. Their prime goal is not merely to win, but to beat somebody, preferably somebody worth beating.” (2nd page of 4th chapter, First paragraph of the section called ‘Proving Oneself’).

Another reason is Fantasy/Exploration. This quote perfectly summarizes this whole section, though of course, I suggest reading the full things because of some “spicy” subjects the author touches on. “Like a movie, a book, or music, a game can transport the player away from the tawdry world that oppresses him and create a fantasy world in which he can forget his problems.” (3rd page of 2nd chapter, First paragraph).

“I claim that the fundamental motivation for all game-playing is to learn.” (2nd page of chapter 2, 4th paragraph).

  1. This chapter is one of the heaviest since it covers so much important material. The author, in this one, suggests and demonstrates(based on personal experience) the path to take when part-taking a role in the process of game development.

The sequence of events is- Choose a goal and a topic, Research and preparation, Design Phase, I/O Structure, Game structure, Program structure, Evaluation of the design, Pre-Programming phase, Programming phase, Playtesting phase, Post-Mortem.

Some quotes that stood out to me;

“The procedure I will describe is based on my own experiences with game design, and reflects many of the practices that I use in designing a game.” you’re not restricted to follow this sequence of events.

“..the game designer’s personality should dictate the working habits she uses.” I love that the author pointed this out. You should be self-aware of the way you work. How consistent you are. When your motivation to do such a project comes and goes. 

Thank you!

Benny Lin He – Art Intro

I made this avatar on piskel, this is a monkey who knows about fashion. Grey hair, gold teeth, Sunglasses, Suit and gold earrings. I thought this is funny and a little bit cool.

OpenLab Intro – Skill Tree

After a couple of the basics for game development such as programming is taken care of, I want to focus more on everything that will surround the player in the game. This is when scenery, platforms, gameplay sound effects, and background music kick in and really do their part. I’d like my players to be a UH for the world this game takes place in (Without stopping the suspension of disbelief). : )

Art Intro – AmongUs

Hello, hello! So I decided to create an avatar based on one of my favorite games (I have a lot) but I chose something that was easy to create in the piskel app and because if you were to ask any of my friends and family to pick a word that best describes “me” they would say ‘Gamer girl’. And AmongUs is a game I play with my nieces and it’s one of the first characters I showed my girls (my nieces are twins) how to draw and that lead to them to flourish into their creative side and create magnificent portraits that I hope to share with the world one day.

Skill Tree | Kathleen Molina

First part of my skill tree.
Second part of my skill tree.

Hello everyone. I am very new to this game developer course. I have never made a game before and I am not confident in my artistry so I hope everyone can be patient and helpful as I work through the semester to meet expectations for this course. I would love to work on the visionary of the game… like the aesthetics such as variations of character costumes, interface, sounds, etc to help bring the story to life.

This is the path I chose and I hope we all do super well and gain something from one another. Happy gaming!

Open Lab Intro – Skill tree

I would like to create a game that is focused on beautiful environments or colorful art like graffiti style but I may change it because I have a lot of ideas that I want to try in one game, I would like to focus on the artist part and I will work with someone in the class who is my friend, we want to try something together and see if it’s going to work well.

I want to make the game interactive with npc in the world, basically walking around and going through obstacles and talking to people to learn more about the story of the game.

The player is going to walk around the world and meet new npc characters to learn more about what is happening and the characters are going to have a unique look for each other.

As you learn more from the dialogues, you get to unlock new places and keep going forward with background music that makes you feel like you are part of the game, unique game sound effects will also play a big part in the game and I would like to show my game to people who are interested in giving a look to help me improve and user testing is also important to get feedback.