Obstacles and Enemies – Rose

The obstacles and enemies are finally finished! Here be all the work done:

The stationary obstacles are water hazards, which the player must use lily pads to jump across. To go with it I’ve also made waterfall scenery that’ll be used in some levels.

The moving enemies are ducks. I made 3 variations, being yellow, brown, and grey. Yellow is the standard duck, grey is a more powerful version of the yellow duck, and brown ducks are unique. Brown ducks instead of attacking the player, are meant to run away from the player towards other ducks, triggering their alerts to attack in that direction. I’ve only put the yellow ducks in the game for now, but will look to get the others in in the future.

Here’s a video of it all together:

Joshua Young – Obstacles/Enemies Lab

For my obstacle, It will be the road block that will sort of stop the player from moving to a certain area, but also the player will be able to get through it if they jump over it. (Not that much of an obstacle)

The rat will be a common enemy for the player. I thought a rat would be a good first enemy due to the setting being in a poverty central area in the city with trash and garbage. I plan for the rat’s attack to be easily avoidable if the player moves away. The attack will have a decent startup before the attack.