Obstacles and Enemies Part 1- Reuben J. Medina

This is the enemy Living EMP Grenade while it is idle.

This is the enemy Living EMP Grenade walking animation.

This is the enemy Living EMP Grenade ability animation. It functions exactly as an EMP is supposed to function, to temporarily shut down electronic devices.

Obstacles and enemies

My obstacles are pigs, a poisonous flower, a tree trunk, and a pumpkin. I came up with the idea of a pumpkin because Fungi is allergic to pumpkins. For the demonstration, I chose to leave just the flower.

Obstacles and Enemies

For this portion I wanted to keep the aesthetic of the characters cohesive so the enemies are robots as well called “Cyrex” and I made little triangular obstacles.

Cyrex idle.
Cyrtex walking.
When Cyrex attacks he darkens and is overheating.
When defeated, Cyrex head drops and is set to ‘offline mode’.
Random obstacle
The obstacle and enemy are on the platforms waiting for JR to pass through.

Obstacles and Enemies

I created a toxic pipe obstacle and chemtank bad guy that is in a suit with purple liquid filling the helmet and when the character dies the purple liquid spills out onto the floor as they fall over, I created frames for my static obstacle too but it gave me some problems when trying to put in an animated sprite instead, another issue I’m trying to figure out is why my enemy seems to be moving backwards when they start to move.

Obstacles & Enemies- James

Enemie #1 Idle

Enemie #1 Walk

Enemie #1 Dies

Enemie #1 is a Prototype 1 robot, mainly in the first level in my game. When my player touches the enemy, the player gets stun as this robot doesn’t have any attack animations.

Enemie #2 Idle

Enemie #2 Walk

Enemie #2 Dies

Enemie #2 is another Prototype robot that will be in the second level in the game. Identical to the first prototype, this enemy will run fast and now has claws as a way to attack the player.

Obstacle spikes

I’m also adding Spikes to the game to make the game a bit challenging for the USER.

Obstacles and Enemies – Leighton Snyder

I felt bad about my character murdering a bunch of snakes, so I decided to do this lab.

Like I mentioned in my character design lab, the main character is shooting here way through the celestial planes of heaven or some such. So, I’ve made a low-tier enemy called Thrones, inspired by biblical descriptions of angels that guard god’s throne.

It’s a wheel covered in human-like eyes, surrounding the blue eye that contains it’s soul-flame (and also acts as the hitbox for you to shoot).

Idle/Moving (the same because they float):


Hit and death:

I also made some obstacles more in the style of the eerie angelic setting. Here are sprites of two different heights.

The grass tileset remains as the only thing out of place setting-wise.

Here’s a video of them in motion:

Obstacles and enemies

Sprite Sheet for an enemy i call corrupted souls, they float aimlessly and often cause harm and block paths in large enough numbers

Obstacles Thorny Vines, they’ll often be found at the bottom of a drop and will kill on hit