NPC – Reuben J. Medina

This is the NPC SI (Synthetic Intelligence). SI was originally a human with human machinery and technology within his body due to an accident. The event causing machinery, technology, inanimate object to come to life caused SI’s machinery within him to come alive. This gave understanding of situations and feelings of humans and machinery alike. Due to this SI guides Teletrition (Protagonist) through the story

Categorized as NPCs


Talking Frog
Dialogue portrait
Idle Frog

Ellie is a secondary character in my game and accompanies Fungi in her journey.

Categorized as Artist, NPCs


Expression Sheet Default, Annoyed, Angry, Hurt

NPC fire sprite “sprite” (hah get it?) I has two i liked the black outline made it feel much more cartoony but the orange outline gave it a bit more aesthetic to it.

Categorized as Artist, NPCs


I made an NPC named Ekko who rides on a hoverboard so I animated particles indicating that its pushing wind off the ground to lift him up, My inspiration for the portrait I used the Starfox portrait design and matched it with this character and for others I want to create.

Categorized as Artist, NPCs


I made a friend for the main character of my game. Her name is

Mish! And she’s an adorable robot like J.R.

Mish eyes changes colors when she is idle.
Mish talking.
Mish’s portrait of her talking.

NPCs- art Shaquille Edwards

it’s a floating robot head it will pop up and give the player information about the story and help guide the player through the game.

Categorized as NPCs

Joshua Young – NPC Lab

Here is my NPC, he is an Informant for the player as they play through out the game. There wasn’t much I could think of for an Idle, but I thought that since this person is more poker faced and stone faced, he should be tapping hs foot impatiently waiting for the player.

This is just a basic mouth moving talking animation.

These 5 portraits are the ones for the player and for the NPC. Since the NPC has an intense poker face I left him as is with just a regular talking one. As for the main character I gave them a few expressions going from a neutral expression, to a more confused looking one then a more angry one with his eyes closed.

Categorized as Artist, NPCs