Background – Reuben J. Medina

This a simple background for the game possibly in the section before the level starts where the player would communicate with the NPC.


The overall background I want to establish for the game would look something along the lines of this.

I still need to play around with the colors and such to see how it would work with my assets, but this is what the background would look during the combat phase. Well.. the final combat phase. What I plan to do during the semester, one big combat scenario with multiple outcomes. Of course I need to develop the story for a great buildup that’s worth the endings the player achieves.

Categorized as Backgrounds


I created a background that contains a bridge, city, and water in a background with the bridge moving at a faster rate compared to the city in the far background


My background is just a forest with flames in the background and in front of that bushes that havent quite been reached by the flames yet but have a subtle glow from them

My Background

This is the background I made for my game. A blue sky with white clouds and tall trees.