Art Intro

This is actually the first time I’ve tackled pixel art. I just grabbed one of my characters that I’ve drawn on the side and went on with what I normally know, but translate it to pixel art. Always wanted to do it, but never had the time. Now, for my first try I forgot to resize the image. It looks tiny as hell, and I was too lazy to redraw the entire thing at a bigger size. For my first time? Not bad, definitely gonna practice this again soon.

Categorized as Art Intro

Open Lab Intro

Normally, I’d go for every category but I’ll mainly go for the art categories. If I have the time, I’ll try the other categories since I do want to learn other skills on my own time. I already have plenty of experience to focus around the art category, but sometimes its nice to have some other skills aside from drawing or animating.

Godot Intro – Leighton Snyder

Here’s my Godot Intro project. I goofed around a little and made the avatar a sad slime.

I’ve used Godot a little before, a while ago when I was trying to make a game on my own. I didn’t get very far that time, but right now I’m really enjoying using it, even with just that small assignment. I’m definitely looking forward to diving more into the program!

Godot Intro Scene- James R

This was my first time using Godot engine, somehow it is similar to Unity engine, but I found it to be much easier to understand how the engine works. I’m hoping to learn more about Godot by the end of the semester!!! Also, I used my logo as my player.

Categorized as Godot Intro

Godot Intro – Joshua Young

Here is my Godot Intro. Just the basics of the basics for now until we get into the more detailed art and backgrounds in this program.

Categorized as Godot Intro

Art Intro-Luyando Mweemba

For my Art Intro, I tried to recreate my discord icon. I am not the best artist, but it gets the job done.

Categorized as Art Intro

Art intro – Gal Ben Baruch

I tried to draw a character from a game called Guild Wars 2, he is from a race called the Charr, they are like big cat people with horns and long fangs