Godot Intro – Leighton Snyder

Here’s my Godot Intro project. I goofed around a little and made the avatar a sad slime.

I’ve used Godot a little before, a while ago when I was trying to make a game on my own. I didn’t get very far that time, but right now I’m really enjoying using it, even with just that small assignment. I’m definitely looking forward to diving more into the program!

Godot Intro Scene- James R

This was my first time using Godot engine, somehow it is similar to Unity engine, but I found it to be much easier to understand how the engine works. I’m hoping to learn more about Godot by the end of the semester!!! Also, I used my logo as my player.

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Godot Intro – Joshua Young

Here is my Godot Intro. Just the basics of the basics for now until we get into the more detailed art and backgrounds in this program.

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Gobot Intro

This is my first Gobot scene with my Smile Emoji as my avatar walking in the forest.

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Godot Intro – Rose

Today I managed to put together a simple game with my avatar, by following along with the video and utilizing the given assets. Here is my progress below:

Also to note, in order to make this video, I had to go on a whole side quest of updating my video driver, because OBS straight up refused to record unless it was up to date. That is why it took me nearly 6 hours after class actually ended and I finished this to make a post.

Categorized as Godot Intro

Godot Intro- Heni Abid

I’ve enjoyed learning the basics of Godot, It is quite difficult at first but with practice, It comes easy and I’m having fun with it and I’m willing to learn more tricks.